Saturday, June 22, 2013


It's impossible for me to discuss motherhood without being overcome with a feeling of peace. Something even just in the word "mother" is so sacred and special.

I've had some incredible examples of women fulfilling their divine destiny and role as a mother. I've come to learn through observation that being a mom is one of the hardest jobs a woman could do in her life, but at the same time, there is nothing more rewarding. 

So, what is it about mothers that's so special and sacred? Let's hear from some of the wisest men I know:

"Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels."
-The First Presidency, 1942

"Just as a mother's body may be permanently marked with signs of pregnancy and childbirth, the Savior said, 'I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands' (1 Nephi 21:15-16). For both a mother and the Savior, those marks memorialize a wrenching sacrifice - the sacrifice of begetting life - for her, physical birth; for him, spiritual rebirth."
-Elder Bruce C. Hafen and Sister Marie K. Hafen

Those words from Elder Holland could not be more perfect in describing Motherhood. I am so grateful for that divine message which surely rings true and brings strength to mothers all around the world.

Now one last quote from Successful Marriage and Families: Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives:

"The countless acts of selfless service mothers perform are recognized as expressions of the highest love and noblest of womanly feelings. Wendell Berry asserted that such tasks as feeding, tending, bathing, clothing, wiping, and cleaning become holy works; 'only in such ways can love become flesh.' Through such sacrificing love, a mother creates a foundation from which self-confidence and integrity are woven into the fabric of her children's character."
-Jenet J. Erickson

Risking sounding like I'm a 21-year old baby-hungry crazy-lady, I will honestly say that I cannot wait for the day that I become a mother and I get to spend the rest of my life being a mom and raising my children. I know that there is no greater calling for me in my life than to partner with God in "creation, love, sacrifice and service."

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