Saturday, June 22, 2013


There are many different principles and concepts I could talk about when it comes to fathers, but what struck me most from our chapter, "Honor Thy Father," was about being present in your parenting. Sean E. Brotherson says:

"Parenting requires presence. While a parent does not need to be constantly present to care for children, a parent's presence is a fundamental requirement if he is to meet children's needs and build a lasting parent-child bond. The longing of any individual for home, especially the longing of a child, is partly the longing for the presence of family members who furnish security and love. The longing for home, a universal aspect of human history and psychology, is a longing for presence, for parental connection, for companionship in family living. A fundamental principle of fathering that meets this need is to be present in a child's life and consciousness, to be available and aware of a child's needs such that he or she develops in an atmosphere of security and love."

I absolutely love that quote! It sums up one of the most important things fathers can do for their children. I cannot stress enough the importance of being "present in a child's life and consciousness." Think about it! To be present in your child's consciousness! That presence requires a bond created from the very beginning, a bond that is nourished, strengthened, and sustained throughout the entirety of the father-child relationship. It is not enough for a father to be a provider and a presider if his heart isn't in it. His heart, mind, and life need to be present in the home with his wife and children.

Now, I know that not everyone has grown up with this type of father-child relationship. Some have grown up without a father at all. What I hope you determine to do is become this type of father yourself, or encourage your husband to become this kind of father.

I believe there is no greater calling a man receives in life than that of father.

As a final thought, I'll leave you with a video. I could not agree more with Sister Elaine Dalton's message in this video and the original conference talk it was given in.

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